BVPP Appendix 4 Outturns against Targets 07/08
PI Ref No PI Description Meas. In Actual 06/07 Actual 07/08 Target 07/08 Top Quartile 06/07 Pref'd Outcm Traffic Light Actual Direction
Adults Health & Well-Being                
BV053, PAFC28, SP213 Number of households receiving intensive home care per 1000 population aged 65 or over. number 40.33 39.4 38 23.15 Higher GREEN ò
BV054, PAFC32 Number of older people aged 65 or over helped to live at home per 1000 population aged 65 or over. number 119.62 97.4 180 107.21 Higher RED ò
BV056, PAFD54 Percentage of items of equipment and adaptations delivered within 7 working days. % 97.6 95.9 95 95.5 Higher GREEN ò
BV183b, CPAH15 The average length of stay in hostel accommodation of households that are unintentionally homeless and in priority need. weeks 0   0 0 Lower x x
BV195, PAFD55 Acceptable waiting times for assessment % 86.2 91.2 94 91.7 Higher RED ñ
BV196, PAFD56 For new older clients, the percentage for whom the time from completion of assessment to provision of all services in the care package is less than or equal to four weeks. % 93.5 94.3 94 92.75 Higher GREEN ñ
BV201, PAFC51 Number of adults and older people receiving direct payments per 100,000 population aged 18 years or over. number 123 160.4 160 137.66 Higher GREEN ñ
BV202 Number of people sleeping rough on a single night within the area of the authority. number 13   <5 1 Lower x x
BV213, XCPAH728 The number of households who considered themselves as homeless, who approached the local authority’s housing advice service(s), and for whom housing advice casework intervention resolved their situation. number 5   8 8 Higher x x
PAF C72, SP211, THI010 Number of supported admissions of older people to permanent residential and nursing care per 10,000 population aged 65 or over (formerly C26). number 74.6 71.77 70   Lower RED ñ
PAF D40, SP212, THI011 Adult and older clients receiving a review as a percentage of those receiving a service. % 84.9 77.5 86   Higher RED ò
SP219 Percentage of Adult Social Service users who rate services as good, very good or excellent % 61 92.6 63   Higher GREEN ñ
PI Ref No PI Description Meas. In Actual 06/07 Actual 07/08 Target 07/08 Top Quartile 06/07 Pref'd Outcm Traffic Light Actual Direction
Chief Executive's                
BV002a Level of the Equality Standard for Local Government to which the authority conforms. Level 5 5 5 4 Higher GREEN ð
BV002b Duty to Promote Race Equality % 100 100 100 89 Higher GREEN ð
BV016b Percentage of economically active disabled people in the authority area. % 16.2 16.2 N/R n/a Higher x ð
LAA201, SP508 Percentage of residents who feel that they can influence decisions affecting their local area % 41 48 53 43 Higher RED ñ
LAA202 Percentage of residents who feel their local area is a place where people from different backgrounds can get on well together (proxy for LAA 116) % 70 71 73 84 Higher RED ñ
LAA203 Percentage increase of local residents who engage in volunteering (including e.g. formal civic roles) % 13 12 15   Higher RED ò
LAA204 Percentage increase in the number of third sector organisations that meet agreed quality standards % N/A 560 50   Higher GREEN x
LAA205 Proportion of services in selected public service areas delivered by third sector organisations on behalf of partner organisations % 27   40   Higher x x
LAA206 An increase in the number of people recorded as or reporting that they have engaged in formal volunteering on an average of at least two hours per week over the past year. (New mandatory for 2007/08) Number N/A   TBC   Lower x x
LAA207 Percentage of residents reporting an increase in satisfaction with their neighbourhoods: percentage of residents who are satisfied with their local area as a place to live % N/A   50   Higher x x
LAAP201 Number of people using volunteer brokerage service (proxy for LAA 203) Number 1322 1506 1500   Higher GREEN ñ
LAAP202 Number of organisations completing self-assessment process for accreditation (proxy for LAA 204) Number 10 73 70   Higher GREEN ñ
LAAP203 Number of organisations that are commission-ready (proxy for LAA 205) Number N/A 28 28   Higher GREEN x
LAAP501 JSA claimants aged 16-24 as percentage of people that are economically active (proxy for LAA 501) % 20.7     7.9 Lower x x
LAAS201a, SP509, XCE021 Increased attendance at Local Area Partnership events number 5202 5513 5250   Higher GREEN ñ
LAAS201b Number of residents contributing to LAP events number 525 955 475   Higher GREEN ñ
LAAS202a Percentage increase in the number of residents from communities sometimes defined as hard to reach (to be defined for each LAP area) attending LAP events Number N/A   5   Higher x x
LAAS202b Percentage increase in the number of residents from communities sometimes defined as hard to reach (to be defined for each LAP area) contributing to LAP events Number N/A 172 5   Higher GREEN x
LAAS203 LAP steering groups that are more reflective of their communities in terms of diversity Number N/A See below     Higher x x
LAAS204 Percentage of residents who think that this is a place where people respect ethnic differences (proxy for LAA 116) % 74 75 79   Higher RED ñ
LAAS205 Number of third sector organisations that have retained and / or increased local volunteer involvement Number 268 307 300   Higher GREEN ñ
LAAS205a Increase the number of people recorded as or reporting that they have engaged in formal volunteering on an average of at least two hours per week over the past year Number N/A   TBC   Lower x x
LAAS206 Number of young (16 - 24) volunteers Number 696 1242 1000   Higher GREEN ñ
LAAS207 Number of third sector groups and organisations accessing capacity building help in the past year Number 111 325 280   Higher GREEN ñ
LAAS208 Number of organisations engaged in Voluntary Sector Networks Number 310 390 350   Higher GREEN ñ
LAAS209 Number of emerging groups - that have been established for under a year - that apply for and receive community chest funding Number 95 106 100   Higher GREEN ñ
LAAS210 Number of people taking part in leadership training and community development opportunities Number 200 250 250   Higher GREEN ñ
LAAS211 Number of public services delivery contracts held by the third sector during the last full financial year Number 69   75   Higher x x
LAAS212 Value of public service delivery contracts held by the third sector during the last full financial year £ 3400000   4500000   Higher x x
SP502a CPA use of resources indicator - overall score Number N/A   4   Higher x x
SP502b CPA use of resources indicator - VFM score Number N/A   3   Higher x x
SP507a Percentage of residents who agree that the Council is doing a good job: borough average % N/A 68 73   Higher RED x
SP507b Percentage of residents who agree that the Council is doing a good job: gap between the overall borough average and the LAP area with the lowest performance % N/A 7 10   Higher RED x
SP514a Percentage of residents who feel that Tower Hamlets is a place where people from different backgrounds can get on well together: borough average % N/A 71 77   Higher RED x
SP514b Percentage of residents who feel that Tower Hamlets is a place where people from different backgrounds can get on well together: gap between the overall borough average and the LAP area with the lowest performance % N/A 6 10   Lower GREEN x
SP515a, XCE023a Percentage of attendees at LAP events who are from targeted communities: BME residents % 54 48 48   Higher GREEN ò
SP515b, XCE023b Percentage of attendees at LAP events who are from targeted communities: Bangladeshi residents % 39 33 33   Higher GREEN ò
SP515c, XCE023c Percentage of attendees at LAP events who are from targeted communities: Somali residents % 5 10 5   Higher GREEN ñ
SP515d, XCE023d Percentage of attendees at LAP events who are from targeted communities: Young residents (16 - 25) % 35 21 15   Higher GREEN ò
PI Ref No PI Description Meas. In Actual 06/07 Actual 07/08 Target 07/08 Top Quartile 06/07 Pref'd Outcm Traffic Light Actual Direction
Childrens Services                
BV038, PSA004 Percentage of 15 year old pupils in schools maintained by the LEA achieving 5 or more GCSEs at grades A*- C or equivalent. % 55.7 59.2 59 63.2 Higher GREEN ñ
BV039 Percentage of 15 year old pupils in schools maintained by the local education authority achieving 5 GCSEs or equivalent at grades A*- to G including English and Maths. % 88.3 88.7 93.5 92 Higher RED ñ
BV040 Percentage of pupils in schools maintained by the LEA achieving Level 4 or above in the Key Stage 2 Mathematics test. % 78.1 78 85 78.4 Higher RED ò
BV041, SP406 Percentage of pupils in schools maintained by the LEA achieving Level 4 or above in the Key Stage 2 English test. % 79.9 81 85 83.5 Higher RED ñ
BV043a Percentage of statements of special educational need prepared within 18 weeks excluding those affected by" exceptions to the rule" under the SEN Code of Practice. % 100 98.34 100 100 Higher RED ò
BV043b Percentage of statements of special educational need prepared within 18 weeks including those affected by" exceptions to the rule" under the SEN Code of Practice. % 97.5 90.82 100 99.2 Higher RED ò
BV045, THI023b Percentage of half days missed due to total absence in secondary schools maintained by the local education authority. % 7.52 6.99 7 7.04 Lower GREEN ñ
BV046, THI023a Percentage of half days missed due to total absence in primary schools maintained by the local education authority. % 6.61 5.41 5 5.92 Lower RED ñ
BV049, PAFA1, PSA007, SP215, THI013 Percentage of children looked after at 31 March with three or more placements during the year % 10.95   10   Lower x x
BV050, PAFA2, PSA006, SP216 Percentage of children looked after,leaving care aged 16 or over with at least 1 GCSE at grade A-G or a GNVQ. % 50 48 57   Higher RED ò
BV161, LPSA3a, PAFA04 Ratio of the percentage of those young people who were looked after on 1 April in their 17th year (aged 16) who were engaged in education, training or employment at the age of 19, to the percentage of all 19 year olds who were engaged in education, training or employmen. % 0.92 0.98 0.9   Higher GREEN ñ
BV162, PAFC20, SP214, THI012 Percentage of child protection cases which should have been reviewed during the year that were reviewed. % 100 100 100   Higher GREEN ð
BV163, PAFC23, XTH015 Percentage of children looked after that were adopted during the year. % 16.5 10.62 9   Higher GREEN ò
BV181a, LPSA1a Percentage of 14-year old pupils in schools maintained by the local education authority achieving Level 5 or above in the Key Stage 3 test in English. % 64.68 67 73 79.75 Higher RED ñ
BV181b, LPSA1b Percentage of 14-year old pupils in schools maintained by the local education authority achieving Level 5 or above in the Key Stage 3 test in Mathematics. % 67.72 67 73 80.49 Higher RED ò
BV181c, LPSA001c Percentage of 14-year old pupils in schools maintained by the local education authority achieving Level 5 or above in the Key Stage 3 test in Science. % 57.32 59 71 74 Higher RED ñ
BV181d, LPSA001d Percentage of 14-year old pupils in schools maintained by the local education authority achieving Level 5 or above in the Key Stage 3 test in ICT assessment. % 61.55 65.3 71 72.5 Higher RED ñ
BV194a Percentage of pupils in schools maintained by the local education authority achieving level 5 or above in Key Stage 2 in English. % 25 29 33 36 Higher RED ñ
BV194b Percentage of pupils in schools maintained by the local education authority achieving level 5 or above in Key Stage 2 in Mathematics. % 29 29 33 36 Higher RED ð
BV221a Percentage of young people aged 13-19 gaining a recorded outcome compared to the percentage of young people in the local authority area. % 57 49 60 63 Higher RED ò
BV221b Percentage of young people aged 13-19 gaining an accredited outcome compared to the percentage of young people in the local authority area. % 30 33 26 30 Higher GREEN ñ
BV222a Percentage of integrated early education and childcare settings funded or part-funded by the local authority with a qualification at Level 4 or above. % 64 58 25 45 Higher GREEN ò
BV222b Percentage of integrated early education and childcare settings funded or part-funded by the local authority which have input from staff with graduate or post graduate training in teaching or child development. % 62 52 50 100 Higher GREEN ò
LAA112a Reduce the proportion of adult and young offenders and prolific and other priority offenders who reoffend: reduce the level of youth reoffending (by 5% in 2008/09 compared to baseline) (a) pre-court decisions % 28.8 23.33 23.03   Lower RED ñ
LAA112b Reduce the proportion of adult and young offenders and prolific and other prority offenders who reoffend: reduce the level of youth reoffending (by 5% in 2008/09 compared to baseline) (b) first tier penalties % 46.9 45.45 49.57   Lower GREEN ñ
LAA112c Reduce the proportion of adult and young offenders and prolific and other priority offenders who reoffend: reduce the level of youth reoffending (by 5% compared to baseline) (c) community penalties % 55 66.67 58.46   Lower RED ò
LAA112d Reduce the proportion of adult and young offenders and prolific and other priority offenders who reoffend: reduce the level of youth reoffending (by 5% in 2008/09 compared to baseline) (d) custodial penalties % 44.4 40 71.25   Lower GREEN ñ
LAA115 Percentage of people who feel that parents not taking responsibility for the behaviour of their children is a very big or a fairly big problem % 75 81 73   Lower RED ò
LAA503, LPSA008, SP306, THI020 Percentage of young people in Tower Hamlets aged 16-18 not in education, employment or training % 10.8 8.2 8.2   Lower GREEN ñ
LAA601, SP403 Increase in the percentage of pupils achieving level 5 in both English and mathematics at KS3 % 54 57.6 69   Higher RED ñ
LAA602, LPSA011, SP401 The % of pupils in Tower Hamlets earning 5 or more GCSEs at grades A*-C, including English and Mathematics. % 33.5 36.3 39   Higher RED ñ
LAA603, LPSA012, SP402 *Improving A Level attainment - A Level Average Points Score per student in Tower Hamlets. number 219.5 621.5 635   Higher RED ñ
LAA604a, SP404a, THI024a Improved overall attendance rates at primary school (proxy for LAA 601 & 602) % 93.39 94.59 95.5 94.07 Higher RED ñ
LAA605a, SP405a, THI025a Unauthorised absence rates - primary (proxy for 601, 602 & 603) % 1.24 1.23 0.95 0.53 Lower RED ñ
LAA605b, SP405b, THI025b Unauthorised absence rates - secondary % 2.05 1.98 1.9   Lower RED ñ
LAA606 Number of parents participating in Family Learning programmes number 1406 1030 1750   Higher RED ò
LAA607, SP208 Percentage of primary school pupils having 2 hours+ PE per week % 62 93.1 80   Higher GREEN ñ
LAA611 By 2008 all schools to ensure at least 50% of pupils achieve level 5 or above in each of English, maths and science % 80 80 87   Higher RED ð
LAAP103a Take up of youth work a) number of 13 -19 year olds contacted Number N/A 6366 5929   Higher GREEN x
LAAP103b Take up of youth work (b) number of 13-19 year olds regularly participating (related to BVPI 221 b and a proxy for LAA 103 a,b,c & d) Number 2897 4000 3558   Higher GREEN ñ
LAAS608 Percentage of parent governor vacancies % 8.7 17 7   Lower RED ò
LAAS609a Percentage achieving 6+ end of FS in dispositions and attitudes (DA) % 83 83 86   Higher RED ð
LAAS609b Percentage achieving 6+ end of FS in emotional development (ED) % 69 66 74   Higher RED ò
LAAS609c Percentage achieving 6+ end of FS in language for communication (LCT) % 67 69 70   Higher RED ñ
LAAS611 Percentage of schools achieving level 3 of the Healthy Schools status % 52 62 61   Higher GREEN ñ
LAAS613 *Proportion of 19 year olds who achieve at least level 2 (replaces LAAS 601, 6002 and 603) % 58 62 59   Higher GREEN ñ
SP404b Improved overall attendance rates at secondary school (proxy for LAA 601, 602 & 603) % 92.48 92.6 93 92.98 Higher RED ñ
SP407a Satisfaction of users with primary education % N/A       Higher x x
SP407b Satisfaction of users with secondary education % N/A       Higher x x
PI Ref No PI Description Meas. In Actual 06/07 Actual 07/08 Target 07/08 Top Quartile 06/07 Pref'd Outcm Traffic Light Actual Direction
Communities Localities & Culture                
BV082a(i), CPAE06a, LAA106, SP111, THI005 Percentage of household waste which has been sent by the authority for recycling. % 11.72 13.61 22 21.77 Higher RED ñ
BV082a(ii) Total tonnage of household waste arisings which have been sent by the Authority for recycling. number 9865.52 11,150.47 18889.1 21177.69 Higher RED ñ
BV082b(i), CPAE06b The percentage of household waste sent by the Authority for composting or treatment by anaerobic digestion. % 0.18 0.12 0.3 9.19 Higher RED ò
BV082b(ii) The tonnage of household waste sent by the authority for composting or treatment by anaerobic digestion. number 153.52 99.75 257.58 8673.51 Higher RED ò
BV082c(i) Percentage of the total tonnage of household waste arisings which have been used to recover heat, power and other energy sources. % 9.16 0 0 53.09 Higher GREEN ò
BV082c(ii) Tonnage of household waste arisings which have been used to recover heat, power and other energy sources. number 7712.48 0 0 49620.68 Higher GREEN ò
BV082d(i) Percentage of household waste arisings which have been landfilled. % 78.94 86.27 77.7 28 Lower RED ò
BV082d(ii) The tonnage of household waste arisings which have been landfilled. number 66444.51 70,683.48 66712.87 12291.99 Lower RED ò
BV084a, CPAE26 Number of kilograms of household waste collected per head of the population number 394.82 384.3 378.19 390.6 Lower RED ñ
BV084b Percentage change from the previous financial year in the number of kilograms of household waste collected per head of the population. number 4.51 -2.66 -4.21 -1.52 Lower RED ñ
BV086 Cost of waste collection per household. £ 60.89 N/A 75.48 45.87 Lower x x
BV087 Cost of waste disposal per tonne for municipal waste £ 70.45 N/A 51.77 45.89 Lower x x
BV091a, CPAE45 Percentage of households resident in the authority’s area served by kerbside collection of recyclables % 93.2 92.22 100 100 Higher RED ò
BV091b, CPAE077 Percentage of households resident in the authority’s area served by kerbside collection of at least two recyclables. % 93.2 92.22 100 100 Higher RED ò
BV099ai, CPAE12, LAA107, LPSA004, SP103 Number of people killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic collisions. number 111 124 105 85 Lower RED ò
BV099aii Percentage change in the number of people killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic collisions since the previous year. % -16.54 11.71 -5.41 -20.2 Lower RED ò
BV099aiii Percentage change in the number of people killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic collisions since the 1994-98 average. % -40.51 -33.55 -43.73 -50.4 Lower RED ò
BV099bi Number of children (aged under 16 years) killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic collision number 8 9 8 8 Lower RED ò
BV099bii Percentage change in the number of children (aged under 16 years) killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic collisions since the previous year. % -52.94 12.5 0 -47.3 Lower RED ò
BV099biii Percentage change in the number of children killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic collisions since the 1994-98 average. % -70.8 -67.15 -70.8 -73.1 Lower RED ò
BV099ci, CPA023b, PSA012 Number of people slightly injured in road traffic collisions. number 893 792 880 671 Lower GREEN ñ
BV099cii Percentage change in the number of people slightly injured in road traffic collisions since the previous year. % 4 -11.31 -1.46 -14.3 Lower GREEN ñ
BV099ciii Percentage change in the number of people slightly injured in road traffic collisions since the 1994-98 average. % -12.67 -22.55 -12.67 -34.1 Lower GREEN ñ
BV100 Number of days of temporary traffic controls or road closure on traffic sensitive streets per km of traffic sensitive streets. days 0.56 0.42 0.3 0 Lower RED ñ
BV126, THI002 Number of domestic burglaries per 1,000 households. number 16.95 15.98 18.5 14.1 Lower GREEN ñ
BV127a Violent crime per year, 1,000 population in the Local Authority area. number 46.7 39.58 43.3 22 Lower GREEN ñ
BV127b, LPSA001a, XCE016, XTH006 Robberies per year, per 1,000 population in the Local Authority area. number 8.97 6.42 6.5 3.7 Lower GREEN ñ
BV128, THI007 Number of vehicle crimes per 1,000 population. number 19.95 19.57 18.3 14 Lower RED ñ
BV165, CPAE16 Percentage of pedestrian crossings with facilities for disabled people. % 36 75 100 100 Higher RED ñ
BV166a, CPAE27 Score against a checklist of enforcement best practice for environmental health. % 100 100 100 100 Higher GREEN ð
BV166b, CPAE21 Score against a checklist of enforcement best practice for trading standards. % 100 100 100 100 Higher GREEN ð
BV174, XCE013, XTH004 Number of racial incidents recorded by the authority per 100,000 population. number 227.48 146.34 285 n/a Higher RED ò
BV175, CPAH19, XCE014 Percentage of racial incidents that resulted in further action. % 100 100 100 100 Higher GREEN ð
BV178, CPAC01 Percentage of the total length of footpaths and other rights of way that were easy to use by members of the public. % N/R N/R N/R   Higher x x
BV186a Ratio of the percentage of the principal road network where major structural treatment is not considered necessary to the authority’s average structural expenditure per kilometre on the principal road network over the past three years. % N/A       Higher x x
BV186b Ratio of the percentage of the non-principal road network where major structural treatment is not considered necessary to the authority’s average structural expenditure per kilometre on the non-principal road network over the past three years. % N/A       Higher x x
BV187, CPAE18 Percentage length of category 1, 1a and 2 footway network needing treatment. % 19.07 21.5 9.8 16 Lower RED ò
BV199a, CPAE04, LAA105, LPSA003, SP108, THI004 The proportion of relevant land and highways (expressed as a percentage) that is assessed as having combined deposits of litter and detritus that fall below an acceptable level. % 22   12 14.6 Lower x x
BV199b, CPAE071b The proportion of relevant land and highways (expressed as a percentage) from which unacceptable levels of graffiti are visible. % 13   9 4 Lower x x
BV199c, CPAE071c The proportion of relevant land and highways (expressed as a percentage) from which unacceptable levels of fly-posting are visible. % 6   5 1 Lower x x
BV199d, CPAE071d The year-on-year reduction in total number of incidents and increase in total number of enforcement actions taken to deal with ‘fly-tipping’. grade 4   1 2 Lower x x
BV215a The average number of days taken to repair a street lighting fault, which is under the control of the local authority - non DNO - days 3.55 2.25 1.9 2.13 Lower RED ñ
BV215b The average time taken to repair a street lighting fault, where response time is under the control of a DNO days 15.71 17.6 15 15.21 Lower RED ò
BV216a Number of ‘sites of potential concern’ (within the local authority area), with respect to land contamination. number 511 850 479 n/a None x x
BV216b Number of sites for which sufficient detailed information is available to decide whether remediation of the land is necessary, as a percentage of all ‘sites of potential concern’. % 8.59 11 8.98 39 Higher GREEN ñ
BV217 Percentage of pollution control improvements to existing installations completed on time % 100 100 90 100 Higher GREEN ð
BV218a, XTH009a Percentage of new reports of abandoned vehicles investigated within 24hrs of notification % 98.8 99.46 98 98.78 Higher GREEN ñ
BV218b, LAA122, XTH009b Percentage of abandoned vehicles removed within 24 hours from the point at which the Authority is legally entitled to remove the vehicle % 95.8 99.12 96 97.3 Higher GREEN ñ
BV220 Compliance against the Public Library Service Standards grade 12.5 12 17   Higher RED ò
BV223 Percentage of the local authority principal road network where structural maintenance should be considered. % 22 9 16 8 Lower GREEN ñ
BV224a Percentage of the non-principal classified road network where maintenance should be considered. % 32.17 12 24 10 Lower GREEN ñ
BV224b, CPAE11 Percentage of the unclassified road network where structural maintenance should be considered. % 7.97 8.85 7.75 9 Lower RED ò
BV225, CPAH731 Actions Against Domestic Violence. % 100 100 100 n/a Higher GREEN ð
LAA101, SP105, THI003 Reduction in overall crime rate (BCS Comparator Offences) number 18592 17199 18109   Lower GREEN ñ
LAA102, LPSA001b, SP101, THI001, XCE012 Wounding: number of violent crimes (common assault plus ABH/GHB) per 1000 population number 22.9 20.9 20.15   Lower RED ñ
LAA103a, LPSA002b(i), SP102a Perceptions of antisocial behaviour: percentage of population who view as a “very big problem” the following issue: - Youths hanging around on the streets % 46 32.2 38   Lower GREEN ñ
LAA103b, LPSA002b(ii), SP102b Perceptions of antisocial behaviour: percentage of population who view as a “very big problem” the following issue: - Graffiti and other deliberate damage to property or vehicles % 24 23.7 35   Lower GREEN ñ
LAA103c, LPSA002b(iii), SP102c Perceptions of antisocial behaviour: percentage of population who view as a “very big problem” the following issue: - people using or dealing drugs % 43 32.2 41   Lower GREEN ñ
LAA103d, LPSA002b(v), SP102d Perceptions of antisocial behaviour: percentage of population who view as a “very big problem” the following issue: - people being drunk or rowdy in public places % 19 15.3 23   Lower GREEN ñ
LAA104, LPSA010a, SP104, THI002, XCE017 Increased number of under 18s accessing drug treatment number 711 1034 732   Higher GREEN ñ
LAA108 Reduce the proportion of adult and young offenders and prolific and other priority offenders who reoffend: reduced recorded convictions of PPOs, excluding prisoners and those on the list under one year % 30 31 30   Higher GREEN ñ
LAA109 Reduce the proportion of adult and young offenders and prolific and other priority offenders who reoffend: reduced percentage of Drug Intervention Programme clients reoffending % 28 13 20   Lower GREEN ñ
LAA110 Reduce the proportion of adult and young offenders and prolific and other priority offenders who reoffend: increase the proportion of offenders accessing housing or other tenancy related support   29 48 45   Higher GREEN ñ
LAA111 Reduce the proportion of adult and young offenders and prolific and other priority offenders who reoffend: increased number of unemployed offenders obtaining and keeping employment for at least four weeks Number 42   10   Higher x x
LAA113 Percentage of residents identifying crime within their top three concerns (ARS) % N/A 55 45   Lower RED x
LAA114 Increase in percentage of people who feel informed about what is being done to tackle antisocial behaviour in their local area % 24 27 32   Higher RED ñ
LAA116 Percentage who think that people not treating other people with respect and consideration is a very big or fairly big problem % 59 53.6 53   Lower RED ñ
LAA121 Quality of surroundings - increase in number of green flag awards Number N/A 5 5   Higher GREEN x
LAA123 Reduction in the percentage of municipal waste landfilled % N/A 88.39 81   Lower RED x
LAA124 Increase in the percentage of municipal waste recycled % N/A 10.28 19   Higher RED x
LAA125 Reduction in aggregated score for perception of 7 strands of ASB as measured in Best Value General Survey % 44 49.2 41   Higher GREEN ñ
LAA612 The percentage annual increase in the number of schools with an approved travel plan (STP) required to achieve 100% STP coverage by March 2010 % N/A 83.78 85   Higher RED x
LAAP101 Incidents of criminal damage (proxy for LAA 103 a,b,c,d) number 17.05 15.63 15.83   Lower GREEN ñ
LAAP104 Percentage of people who think that street cleaning is good, very good or excellent (ARS) (proxy for LAA 119) % N/A 51 63   Higher RED x
LAAP605 Recorded users of leisure centres under the age of 19 Number 16263 26,908 16426   Higher GREEN ñ
LAAS101, SP106 Reduced youth-on-youth violent crime (where victim is under 19 and accused is under 19 or suspect is thought to be under 19) number 644 542 570   Lower GREEN ñ
LAAS102 Domestic violence sanctioned detection rate % 45.1 47 37   Higher GREEN ñ
LAAS103, SP107 Reduced length of time domestic violence is experienced before it is initially reported to a specialist agency % 3.2 3.85 -6   Lower RED ò
LAAS104 Non-accidental secondary fires (excluding vehicles) (BV206iii) number 2.99 3.65 2.99   Lower RED ò
LAAS105 Non-accidental secondary vehicle fires (BV206iv) number 0.23 0.2 0.23   Lower GREEN ñ
LAAS106, SP110 Percentage of people asked who think that parks, playgrounds and open spaces are good, very good or excellent (proxy for LAA 120) % 50 54 52 n/a Higher GREEN ñ
LAAS107, SP109a Improved perceptions of antisocial behaviour: reduced percentage of the population who view rubbish and litter lying around as "a very serious problem" % 32 32.9 23   Lower RED ò
LAAS604, LPSA010b, SP408, THI026 Number of under 16s who are active users of the Idea Stores and libraries number 13473 12158 19272   Higher RED ò
LAAS605, LPSA010c, SP409, THI027 Total number of library items issued to under 16s - Enhancing young people number 266303 333319 317000   Higher GREEN ñ
LAAS606, LPSA010d, SP410, THI028 Number of young people under 16 attending study support sessions - enhancing young people number 750 1,252 765   Higher GREEN ñ
LAAS607, LPSA010e, SP411, THI029 Total number of under 19s completing a course in Idea Stores, libraries and learning centres - enhancing young people number 1741 1778 1,760   Higher GREEN ñ
LPSA002a Reducing antisocial behaviour: - a. non-accidental secondary fires (per 1,000 residents) number N/A   9.17   Lower x x
LPSA002b(iv) Perceptions of antisocial behaviour: percentage of population who view as a “very big problem” the following issue: - rubbish and litter lying around % 32 32.9 28   Lower RED ò
LPSA002c Reducing antisocial behaviour: - % of residents who say that antisocial behaviour has got worse or not changed in the past 3 years % N/A 78.7 69   Lower RED x
SP109b Improved perceptions of antisocial behaviour: reduced percentage of the population who view abandoned or burnt out cars as a "very serious problem" % 8 6.5 18   Lower GREEN ñ
SP413 Percentage of people asked who think that leisure and sports facilities are good, very good or excellent % N/A 46     Higher x x
PI Ref No PI Description Meas. In Actual 06/07 Actual 07/08 Target 07/08 Top Quartile 06/07 Pref'd Outcm Traffic Light Actual Direction
Development and Renewal                
BV106, CPAE23 Percentage of new homes built on previously developed land. % 100 100 100 100 Higher GREEN ð
BV109a, CPAE02a, SP301, THI017 Percentage of major planning applications determined within 13 weeks. % 38.33 56.92 60 82.56 Higher RED ñ
BV109b, CPAE02b, SP302, THI018 Percentage of minor planning applications determined in 8 weeks. % 80.49 84.4 80.5 85.15 Higher GREEN ñ
BV109c, CPAE02c, SP303, THI019 Percentage of other planning applications determined in 8 weeks. % 84.18 86.66 88.3 92.86 Higher RED ñ
BV156 Percentage of Authority buildings in which all public areas are suitable for and accessible to disabled people % 54.39   70 n/a Higher x x
BV200a Did the local planning authority submit the Local Development Scheme (LDS) by 28th March 2005 and thereafter maintain a 3-year rolling programme? Yes/No Yes Yes Yes   None x x
BV200b, CPAE44 Has the local planning authority met the milestones which the current Local Development Scheme (LDS) sets out? Yes/No No Yes Yes   None x x
BV204, CPAE44 Percentage of appeals allowed against the authority’s decision to refuse planning applications. % 15 34.78 20 28.5 Lower RED ò
BV205, CPAE43 Score against a planning service quality checklist. % 100 100 100 100 Higher GREEN ð
BV219b Percentage of conservation areas in the local authority area with an up-to date character appraisal % 70 100 80 65 Higher GREEN ñ
BV226a Total amount spent by the Local Authority on Advice and Guidance services provided by external organisations. £ 1027612   1,048,164 n/a Higher x x
BV226b Percentage of monies spent on advice and guidance services provision which was given to organisations holding the CLS Quality Mark at ‘General Help’ level and above. % 90.85   93 n/a Higher x x
BV226c Total amount spent on Advice and Guidance in the areas of housing, welfare benefits and consumer matters which is provided directly by the authority to the public. £ 717696   702900 n/a Higher x x
LAA502, LPSA009, SP307, THI021 Number of people aged 24 and under in receipt of Jobseekers Allowance (and not on New Deal) helped into paid employment of over 16 hours a week for at least 13 consecutive weeks or more number 139 220 250   Higher RED ñ
LAA506, SP305 Worth of contracts secured by local businesses through the Canary Wharf Local Business Liaison Office (private sector supply chain) £ 6,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000   Higher GREEN ñ
LAA507, SP304, THI016 Number of businesses / social enterprises assisted to improve their performance number 43 184 40   Higher GREEN ñ
LAA508 Number of social enterprises created number 4 6 6   Higher GREEN ñ
LAA509 A reduction of at least 2.0 percentage points in the overall benefits claim rate for those living in the local authority wards identified by DWP as having the worst initial labour market position % N/A   2   Higher x x
LAA511 Percentage of registered NEETs assisted into sustainable employment % N/A 108 clients 38   Higher x x
LAA512 Develop and implement a work placement model for IB clients and Lone Parents Number N/A 20 10   Higher GREEN x
LAA513 Number of employer activities to increase aspiration and information about job opportunities in the labour market for young people Number 12 13 10   Higher GREEN ñ
LAA514 Number of local job seekers assisted to secure employment through Earn to Learn programmes Number 116 149 120   Higher GREEN ñ
LAA515 Increase in the percentage of young people on New Deal programme entering and sustaining employment % 26   32   Higher x x
SP308, THI022 Percentage of young people in Tower Hamlets aged 18 - 25 claiming unemployment-related benefits % 20.7 18.2 16   Lower RED ñ
SP309, THI023 Percentage of local residents claiming unemployment-related benefits % 8.6 7.4 8   Lower GREEN ñ
SP310 Increased supply of employment opportunities in key growth sectors prompted directly through the Employment Consortium number 1354 1254 1400   Higher RED ò
PI Ref No PI Description Meas. In Actual 06/07 Actual 07/08 Target 07/08 Top Quartile 06/07 Pref'd Outcm Traffic Light Actual Direction
BV063, CPAE24, CPAH11 Energy Efficiency the average SAP rating of local authority owned dwellings. number 63.97 65.41 65 70 Higher GREEN ñ
BV064, CPAH23 Number of private sector vacant dwellings that are returned into occupation or demolished as a direct result of action by the local authority number 337 275 302 396 Higher RED ò
BV066a, CPAH06 Local authority rent collection and arrears: proportion of rent collected. % 97.06 98.1 97.4 97.6 Higher GREEN ñ
BV066b The number of local authority tenants with more than seven weeks of (gross) rent arrears as a percentage of the total number of council tenants. % 6.8 6.68 6.5 6.58 Lower RED ñ
BV066c Percentage of local authority tenants in arrears who have had Notices Seeking Possession served. % 29.1 35.75 27 16.96 Lower RED ò
BV066d Percentage of local authority tenants evicted as a result of rent arrears. % 0.35 0.36 0 0.21 Lower RED ò
BV074a, CPAH12 Satisfaction of tenants of council housing with the overall service provided by their landlord a: all tenants % 56.32 56.32 63 72.5 Higher RED ð
BV074b Satisfaction of tenants of council housing with the overall service provided by their landlord: with results further broken down by b) black and minority ethnic tenants. % 51.58 51.58 63 70.5 Higher RED ð
BV074c Satisfaction of non-ethnic minority local authority tenants with the overall service provided by their landlord. % 59.04 59.04 63 77 Higher RED ð
BV075a, CPAH13 Satisfaction of council housing tenants with opportunities for participation in management and decision making in relation to housing services provided by their landlord. a: All tenants % 45.42 45.42 51 62 Higher RED ð
BV075b Tenant Satisfaction with Participation - Ethnic Minority Tenants % 49.2 49.2 51 64.3 Higher RED ð
BV075c Satisfaction of tenants of council housing with opportunities for participation in management anf decision making in relation to housing services provided by their landlord: b) non-black and minority ethnic tenants. % 42.63 42.63 51   Higher RED ð
BV076b Number of benefit fraud investigators employed, per 1,000 caseload. number 0.3 0.29 0.396 n/a None x x
BV076c The number of Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (HB/CTB) fraud investigations carried out by the Local Authority per year, per 1,000 caseload. number 22.97 26.02 29 n/a None x x
BV076d The number of Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (HB/CTB) prosecutions and sanctions, per year, per 1,000 caseload, in the Local Authority area. number 4.9 5 4 n/a None x x
BV078a, SP218 Average time for processing new housing benefit and council tax benefit claims (days). days 28.49 25.18 28 27.5 Lower GREEN ñ
BV078b, XTH031 Average time for processing notifications of changes of circumstance,relating to housing benefit and council tax benefit claims (days). days 13.3 13.03 7.5 12 Lower RED ñ
BV079a Percentage of housing benefit and council tax benefit cases for which the calculation of the amount of benefit due was correct. % 98.6 99.36 98.65 99.3 Higher GREEN ñ
BV079b(i) The amount of Housing Benefit overpayments (HB) recovered as a percentage of all HB overpayments. % 60.89 69.61 64.2 70.37 Higher GREEN ñ
BV079b(ii) HB overpayments recovered as a percentage of the total amount of HB overpayment debt outstanding at the start of the year, plus amount of HB overpayments identified during the year. % 23.54 27.06 39.6 28.35 Higher RED ñ
BV079b(iii) Housing Benefit (HB) overpayments written off as a percentage of the total amount of HB overpayment debt outstanding at the start of the year, plus amount of HB overpayments identified during the year. % 2.64 2.52 15.5 n/a None x x
BV184a, CPAH01, LAA405a The percentage of local authority dwellings which were non-decent at the start of the financial year. % 61.74 58.95 58.95 23 Lower GREEN ñ
BV184b, CPAH02, LAA405b, SP202 The percentage change in the proportion of non-decent dwellings between the start and the end of the financial year. % 15.05 17.9 17.9 18.2 Higher GREEN ñ
BV212, CPAH08, SP204, THI007 Average time taken to re-let local authority housing. days 34.3 33.8 31 26 Lower RED ñ
CPAH04, SP203, THI006 Percentage of urgent repairs completed in government time limits % 96.59 97.83 97.2   Higher GREEN ñ
LAA401 Development of a common 'quality framework' for key management standards (% complete) % 30 70 70   Higher GREEN ñ
LAA402a Increasing resident satisfaction with key services linked into the framework minimum standard in 2006/07: local authority stock % N/A   Tbc   Higher x x
LAA402b Increasing resident satisfaction with key services linked into the framework minimum standard is baseline satisfaction in 2006/07: RSL stock % N/A   Tbc   Higher x x
LAA403, LPSA005, SP201 Increased supply of affordable homes - Number of empty homes brought back into use number 17 25 17   Higher GREEN ñ
LAA404a Number of additional affordable family homes developed in line with the emerging low-cost home ownership model number N/A   -   Higher x x
LAA404b Development of demonstration sites (no. of units) number N/A   36   Higher x x
LAA404c Implement alternative models of home ownership (% completed) % N/A   N/A   Higher x x
LAA405c Percentage reduction of non-decent homes in homes transferred to RSLs in previous years % N/A   15   Higher x x
LAA405d Non-decency across RSL homes, as reported in RSL RSR (TBC) % N/A       Lower x x
LAAS401 Establish stock ownership audit and mapping (% complete) % 90   100   Higher x x
LAAS402 Establish information sharing website (% complete) % 30   100   Higher x x
LAAS403 Identify 'Primary' landlord per LAP (or paired LAP) area based on size or lead specialism and establish the relevant working groups (%complete) % N/A   100   Higher x x
LAAS404 establish common framework for key issues (% complete) % N/A   70   Higher x x
LAAS405 Implementation of Quality Frameworks (% complete) % N/A   30   Higher x x
SP205 Percentage of residents satisfied with the Council's repairs service % 90.22   91   Higher x x
PI Ref No PI Description Meas. In Actual 06/07 Actual 07/08 Target 07/08 Top Quartile 06/07 Pref'd Outcm Traffic Light Actual Direction
Primary Care Trust                
BV197, LAA610, SP209 Percentage change in the number of conceptions to females aged under 18, resident in an area, per thousand females aged 15-17 resident in the area, compared with the baseline year of 1998. % -25.3 -24.2 -43 -22.18 Lower RED ò
LAA301a Increased life expectancy, with a 10% reduction in the gap between Tower Hamlets and the average for England and Wales by 2010 - men (data monitored annually, but available two years in arrears) % 74.9 75.2 74.8   Higher GREEN ñ
LAA301b Increased life expectancy, with a 10% reduction in the gap between Tower Hamlets and the England and Wales average by 2010 - women (data monitored annually, but available two years in arrears) number 79.9 80.2 79.8   Higher GREEN ñ
LAA302 The number of deaths under the age of 75 from cardiovascular disease, measured in standardised rates per 100,000 people (performance monitored annually, but two years in arrears) number 141.5 131.8 144   Lower GREEN ñ
LAA303 the number of deaths under the age of 75 from cancer, measured in standardised rates per 100,000 people (performance monitored annually, but data available two years in arrears) number 121 148.3 122   Lower RED ò
LAA304 Number of new or redeveloped primary care facilities number N/A 11 10   Higher GREEN x
LAA305 Total number of people quitting smoking per year number 2105 1400 2025   Higher RED ò
LAA306a Reduce health inequalities between the local authority area and the England population by narrowing the gap in all-age, all-cause mortality: male Number 894.8 872.73 862   Lower RED ñ
LAA306b Reduce health inequalities between the local authority area and the England population by narrowing the gap in all-age, all-cause mortality: female Number 598.8 585.93 577   Lower RED ñ
LAA307 26% of the 4 week quits will come from the 20% most deprived Super Output Areas % N/A   TBC   Higher x x
LAA604b Percentage of children in Year 8 eating 5 portions of fruit/vegetables a day (Proxy for LAA 610) [New definition] % N/A       Higher x x
LAA608a, LPSA006/7a, SP206a Prevalence of OBESITY among primary school children in year 7 (ACTUAL Year 6) % N/A 22.93 22   Lower RED x
LAA608b, LPSA006/7b, SP206b Prevalence of children OVERWEIGHT and OBESITY combined among primary school children in year 7.( ACTUAL YEAR 6) % N/A 37.11 36   Lower RED x
LAA608c Prevalence of OVERWEIGHT among primary school children in Year 7 (ACTUAL Year 6)   N/A 14.18 13   Lower RED x
LAA609a, SP207 Proportion of children who have ever smoked a cigarette as reported in the TellUS Survey (Year 6, 8 and 10) % N/A 21 TBC   Lower x x
LAA609b Reduction in percentage of children who smoke regularly: (Tell us)Year 10 % N/A   TBC   Lower x x
LAAP301 Patients with cornonary heart disease with blood pressure measured within last 15 months of 150 / 90 or less (proxy for LAA 302) % 84 85 88   Higher RED ñ
LAAP302 Patients with coronary heart disease with cholesterol measured within last 15 months of 5 mmol/l or less (proxy for LAA 302) % 75 79 78   Higher GREEN ñ
LAAP303 Breast cancer screening coverage for women aged 50 - 70 years (proxy for LAA 303) % 52   60   Higher x x
LAAP304 Cervical screening coverage for women aged 25 - 64 years (proxy for LAA 303) % 72.3 71 80   Higher RED ò
LAAP601 Annual weight monitoring for Year 6 pupils (from Sept. 2006) (proxy for LAA 608 a,b) % N/A   14.05   Lower x x
LAAP602 Percentage of young people smoking in secondary schools targeted by Peer Education Project (proxy for LAA 609) % N/A       Lower x x
LAAP603a Smoking status of 8 - 12 year olds (proxy for LAA 609) Number N/A       Lower x x
LAAP603b Smoking status of 13-15 year olds (proxy for LAA 609) Number N/A       Lower x x
LAAP604a Percentage of 8-12 year old children eating 5 portions of fruit / vegetables a day (proxy for LAA 610) % N/A       Higher x x
LAAP604b Percentage of 13-15 year old children eating 5 portions of fruit / vegetables a day (proxy for LAA 610) % N/A       Higher x x
LAAS301 Total number of people undertaking self-management courses per year (proxy for LAA 301) Number 700 841 795   Higher GREEN ñ
LAAS302, LPSA006/7c The number of patients diagnosed with diabetes receiving an annual review of their condition number 9093 8228 7700   Higher GREEN ò
LAAS610a Percentage of children eating 5 portions of fruit / vegetables a day (Tellus): Year 6, 8, and 10. % N/A 15     Higher x x
LAAS610b Percentage of children eating 5 portions of fruit /vegetables a day (Tell us): Year 10 % N/A   n/a   Higher x x
LAAS612 Percentage of families visited within 8 weeks of birth of child % 100   100   Higher x x
PI Ref No PI Description Meas. In Actual 06/07 Actual 07/08 Target 07/08 Top Quartile 06/07 Pref'd Outcm Traffic Light Actual Direction
BV008, CE038, SP506, THI033 Percentage of Undisputed Invoices Paid on Time % 91.87 91 96 93 Higher RED ò
BV009, CE034 Percentage of council tax collected. % 94.6 94.71 96.25 96.1 Higher RED ñ
BV010, CE035 Percentage of Non-domestic Rates Collected % 99.54 99.7 99.5 99.19 Higher GREEN ñ
BV011a, CE045a, SP517, THI041 Percentage of top 5% of earners of Local Authority staff that are women. % 53.21 52.71 50 48.36 Higher GREEN ò
BV011b, CE044a, SP516, THI040 The percentage of the top 5% of Local Authority staff who are from an ethnic minority. % 15.26 17.43 18 18.12 Higher RED ñ
BV011c Percentage of the top paid 5% of staff who have a disability (excluding those in maintained schools.) % 4.62 3.51 5 5.39 Higher RED ò
BV012, CE046a, SP505 Number of working days/shifts lost to sickness absence per employee. days 7.92 8.75 7.75 7.59 Lower RED ò
BV014 Percentage of early retirements (excluding ill-health retirements) as a percentage of the total workforce. % 0.39 0.66 0.18 0.3 Lower RED ò
BV015 Percentage of employees retiring on grounds of ill health as a percentage of the total workforce. % 0.25 0.14 0.1 0.13 Lower RED ñ
BV016a Percentage of staff declaring that they meet the Disability Discrimination Act disability definition, % 5.12 4.7 5.5 4.33 Higher RED ò
BV017a Percentage of authority employees from minority ethnic communities as a percentage of the total workforce. % 43.53 46.79 45 37.8 Higher GREEN ñ
CE047, SP510, THI035 % of telephones answered within the customer promise standard % 69 68 77   Higher RED ò
CE048, SP511, THI036 % of letters responded to within customer promise standard % N/A 75.1 90   Higher RED x
CE050, SP512, THI037 % of calls handled by the customer contact centre % N/A 42.7 45   Higher RED x
CE053a, SP513, THI038 Percentage of complaints completed in time - Council as a whole - Stage 1 % 65 74 80   Higher RED ñ
SP501, THI031 Budget Performance £ -2536000   0   Lower x x
SP503 Percentage of Gershon efficiency savings achieved % N/A   100   Higher x x
SP504 Percentage of residents agreeing that the Council "provides value for money for the council tax/pay" % 37 41 42   Higher RED ñ
    N/A 60       RED 122  
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